Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh My Arcadia!

If you’re looking for something mind blowing, listen up! I heard this band a while ago, and the more songs of theirs I listen to the more I love them; I don’t use ‘love’ lightly. My Arcadia is an amazing, spectacular, and outstanding band. “The Messenger” and “Lulea” are by far my favourite songs; the acoustic versions are beautiful too. In the acoustic versions, the female vocals are so crisp yet undefined, like nothing is being held back. In the original versions, the music is ruthless; you feel a passion arising inside of you as the tune melts into your ears, your mind, and your heart. Both “The Messenger” and “Lulea” leave you wanting more the moment the music stops.  

My Arcadia you get 4.7 Sexploding Ears out of 5.

Check it Out:

^^Free Download of Lulea

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